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For those who wish to volunteer with a hands-on experience in Nepal, we welcome people to stay in the guestrooms in the locality of Ukhubari. There is the option to work at the school or in the fields to help the farmers. If you are a builder, or trades person, there are opportunities to assist with infrastructure. While volunteering you can experience a unique and fulfilling discovery of the region, culture and mostly the people. Volunteers must finance their own way to Nepal.

For those interested in volunteering with us in Nepal please contact us by filling this form.

If you would like to help us from France or overseas, we could always use volunteers with admin and to help in social media campaigns.
If you have a good english speaking or writing and that you are interested in our mission, please contact us!)

Please note the terms and conditions for all volunteers by clicking here Volunteer Charter.


In order to finance our mission projects and help the local communities we need financial support.

As all of our work is benevolent we don't have any charge other than the bank fees and postage costs if required.

If you would like to make a one official monetary contribution, you can do so by clicking on the button at the top of the page. Alternatively, if you would like to send clothing or supplies please click here to get in contact with us.

Sponsor a Child

If we learn of a child that needs support and you want to help, we will set up your sponsorship for you (all the money you contribute will go directly to paying school, transport and supplies for the child).

Once a sponsorship commences, we will inform the child and their family, and you will get quaterly updates, news and pictures.

The financial contribution to sponsor a child is 25€/month for a minimum of twelve months or a one-off annual payment of 300 euros (taxes of transfer included). This supports your nominated child basic needs for one year of schooling.


There is the option to support orphaned and extremely poor children by allocating them a place at a boarding school if needed by the child. This would require a contribution of approximatively 500€/year.

Any left over funds will be redirected into courses for the village people to learn new skills or to create some sanitary/health projects to help the families.

If you are interested in helping this community by sponsoring a child remaining in connection with them and their family, please contact us.

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